名称:养鬼吃人9:启示录(2011) [恐怖][HD]
地区:美国 类型:恐怖
时间:2024-10-09 12:35:34
简介: 某个晴朗假日,美国青年尼克(Jay Gillespie 饰)和好友史蒂文(Nick Eversman 饰)驱车穿越国境线,打算前往墨西哥的提华纳寻找一次绝佳的艳遇。他们很快便锁定了一个性感尤物,但是突如其来的意外让二人的狂欢设想灰飞烟灭。正当他们垂头丧气之际,某当地人送给二人一个精致的魔方。尼克和史蒂文的命运就此改写,他们也有如人间蒸发一般消失。 尼克和史蒂文的失踪给各自家人莫大的打击,在一次家庭聚会中,艾玛(Tracey Fairaway 饰)从两人的行李中找到了那枚魔方,而浑身是血的史蒂文也突然出现在房间内。家人们对此感到惊奇喜悦,却不知道丁头鬼的魔爪正慢慢伸向他们……
名称:凶宅惊魂(2017) [恐怖][正片]
地区:美国,西班牙 类型:恐怖
时间:2024-10-09 08:28:38
简介: Jennifer Conrad is a small-town girl starting over in the big city. Fleeing an abusive relationship, all she wants is a chance to begin again. But it is hard to start over when something is eating you while you sleep . . . one painful bite at a time.
名称:肉体创伤(2011) [科幻][正片]
地区:美国 类型:科幻
时间:2024-10-08 21:19:43
简介: 一批为美军研制秘密武器的科学家神秘失踪。Tyler领导的海军陆战队员奉命前去查明真相,途中遭遇前所未见的强大敌人,一场大杀戮开始了…… On a remote US Army facility a group of scientists conducting top secret weapon experiments vanish. An elite covert ops team commanded by Lt. Tyler (Kevin Sorbo) is tasked with recovering the missing personnel within 24 hours. The unit arrives only to find out there objective may not be what it seems, what was strictly a search and rescue mission has now become search and destroy. With time running out and the death count rising Tylers team must begin the hunt or fall prey to a predator unlike any they have ever encountered.
名称:世上第一个圣诞节(2023) [喜剧][正片]
地区:巴西 类型:喜剧
时间:2024-10-08 15:40:56
简介: A young girl wishes Christmas was over for good, and her wish is granted with unexpected consequences.
名称:La uruguaya(2022) [电影][正片]
地区:阿根廷,乌拉圭 类型:剧情
时间:2024-10-08 15:11:31
简介: Lucas Pereyra is a writer going through a mid-life crisis who seems to find relief for his everyday frustrations –his partner, his fatherhood, his economy– in a long-awaited getaway to Montevideo. His excuse is to avoid Argentina’s currency exchange restrictions, but the truth is he actually dreams of reuniting with a girl –quite younger than him– whom she met during a previous trip and with whom he has been maintaining a playful long-distance bond. But in between desire and reality, an abyss seems to open—perhaps Lucas will discover, the hard way, that neither women nor cities exist to satisfy male fantasies. An adaptation of Pedro Mairal’s successful novel, La uruguaya establishes a very astute dialogue with the original work—without betraying the source material, it challenges the point of view and proposes a female look on a conflict that tends to be tackled through the eyes of men. 源自:https://www.mardelplatafilmfest.com/37/en/pelicula/la-uruguaya
名称:伟大的诱惑(2023) [喜剧][正片]
地区:西班牙 类型:喜剧
时间:2024-10-08 14:27:24
简介: 当这个被遗忘的渔镇出现一个提升财富的绝佳机会时,渔镇的居民们开始用计谋的方式实现这个机会。
名称:你好,爱,再见(2019) [剧情][正片]
地区:菲律宾 类型:剧情,爱情
时间:2024-10-08 13:28:03
简介: A bartender romances a domestic helper qigou.cc despite the fact that she is moving to Canada.
名称:德哈诺(2018) [惊悚][正片]
地区:美国 类型:惊悚
时间:2024-10-08 12:51:59
简介: Desperate for money to save his sick Grandfather, a South Texas farmhand resorts to the extreme: He breaks his own arm to smuggle a cast made of cocaine across the Mexican border.
名称:死亡格斗(2014) [动作][正片]
地区:美国 类型:动作,惊悚,动作片
时间:2024-10-08 11:42:08
简介: 由四名在少林寺受过武术训练的国外武术爱好者拍摄的《成功的代价》(DieFighting),四人献上激情澎湃的功夫大餐。剧情讲述成军于少林寺的武术团队Z-Team,刚刚获得一项电影节的大奖,团队的四名成员法比安、洛汉、迪迪埃与杰斯正踌躇满志憧憬着进军好莱坞,不料却卷入新的危机:一位自称“导演”的神秘人绑架了四人的爱人,逼迫他们在他的“功夫片”中,真刀真枪,以命相搏地进行武打。四人的每一个动作,都被隐蔽处的摄像机记录下来,Z-Team被迫在洛杉矶黑暗的地下世界中打出一条血路,把抢劫犯、武装分子、毒枭、柔道馆、特警队和黑帮一一打了个遍,最终的结局出人意料,每个人都必须思索,为了成功究竟要付出多少代价。影片可算是四人的“本色出演”,2000年,三位热爱中国功夫的年轻人雅尼克、法比安·加西亚、洛汉在少林寺结识,他们在寺中接受武术训练,2003年,洛汉的哥哥迪迪埃加盟,四人组成Z-Team和电影制作公司,专门拍摄中国功夫片。这是Z-Team的首支剧情长片。
名称:斯蒂夫:没有妥协,就不会有遗憾(2019) [记录][正片]
地区:美国 类型:纪录
时间:2024-10-08 11:07:18
简介: 斯蒂夫.巴托斯在巴黎去世近30年后,这部纪录片探讨了这位伟大的朋克摇滚明星的传奇生平。史蒂文.约翰.巴托(1949年10月22日-1990年6月3日),艺名为斯蒂夫.巴托,是一位来自俄亥俄州吉拉德的美国朋克摇滚歌手和吉他手,以他的乐队Dead Boys和The Lords of the New Church知名,其中Dead Boys与Ramones、Television、Patti Smith和Blondie等CBGB俱乐部常驻乐队一同塑造了美国早期朋克音乐的面貌。