名称:童一个世界(2021) [剧情][正片]


地区:比利时  类型:剧情,儿童,校园


时间:2024-10-09 08:42:04

简介: 七岁的诺拉面临首度上学的恐惧,看似在学校适应良好的哥哥亚伯,一方面要安抚妹妹,一方面有自己的难题。上课钟声响起,在陌生的环境中除了得向同学自我介绍,诺拉还有下水游泳、走平衡木的新挑战;终于熬到下课时间,却意外发现哥哥的小秘密,想告诉父亲却被下了封口令。宛如小型社会的学校生活,课堂上的表现、同辈间的压力考验着兄妹俩的感情,诺拉能否在校园中拥有自己的归属呢?   比利时新锐导演萝拉汪戴尔首部长片,以手持长镜头、锁定与孩童等高的影像画面,紧紧跟随初次上学的诺拉,校园环境音、孩童嬉闹声层层推叠,成功将主角的惴惴不安,透过银幕蔓延开来。饰演兄妹的两位小演员表演浑然天成、细腻精彩,随著剧情的推进,光是一道眼神的变化就足以令人心碎。

名称:我与卡明斯基(2015) [剧情][正片]


地区:比利时  类型:剧情,剧情片


时间:2024-10-09 08:02:20

简介: 康明斯基(加斯帕·克里斯滕森 Jesper Christensen 饰)是名震画坛的传奇画家,然而,随着年龄的增长,渐渐老去的他选择隐姓埋名离群索居,渐渐地,人们忘却了他的姓名。塞巴斯蒂安(丹尼尔·布鲁赫 Daniel Brühl 饰)是一位极度渴望成名的艺术评论家,他决定通过撰写康明斯基的传记来替自己挣一个好前程,内心里的算盘早已经打好。  塞巴斯蒂安驱车来到了康明斯基的家,哪知道等待着他的是一连串的失败和挫折。在康明斯基的要求下,塞巴斯蒂安带着他踏上旅途寻找初恋情人,经历了一连串的波折和麻烦,塞巴斯蒂安才知道,原来康明斯基早就接收了另一位记者的采访,自己则是从头至尾都被这个老头子耍的团团转。

名称:圣诞家族(2020) [剧情][正片]


地区:比利时  类型:奇幻,家庭


时间:2024-10-08 20:55:17

简介: Jules Claus hates Christmas! After his father died last year, he no longer wants anything to do with the ‘most wonderful time of the year’. While his mother is working, Jules is spending a lot of time in his grandfather’s toy shop. One day he finds a magic snow globe, which brings him to the farthest corners of the world in a magical way. He discovers something very odd: His grandfather is the only real Santa Claus! The tradition has been in the family for years and now that his father is no longer there, grandfather has once again taken on this job. When grandfather breaks his leg, Jules decides to help him. But before he is able to bring on the Christmas feeling, he first has to learn to love the world’s most wonderful feast again.

名称:圣诞家族2(2021) [喜剧][正片]


地区:比利时  类型:喜剧,奇幻,家庭


时间:2024-10-08 20:36:59

简介: Jules Claus has fully embraced Christmas and his future as Santa is ensured. Together with his grandfather Nol they are on their way to prepare for the best Christmas ever. With Christmas at their doorsteps everything runs smoothly until Jules gets a letter with a very unusual wish..

名称:魔法总动员(2013) [喜剧][正片]


地区:比利时  类型:喜剧,冒险,动画


时间:2024-10-08 20:15:03

简介: 劳伦斯(道格·斯通 Doug Stone 配音)曾经是一名魔术师,某日,他收留了一只流浪的小猫,取名闪电(穆雷·布鲁 Murray Blue 配音)。闪电成为了劳伦斯家中的一份子,很快,它就和别墅里的各种机器人和玩偶们打成了一片。然而,在这欢乐祥和的气氛中,却产生了一丝不和谐的声音,对于闪电的到来,白兔和小鼠的态度一直不是十分友好。  某日,为了把雷电赶走,白兔和小鼠想出了一个计划,然而,这个计划却令劳伦斯发生了车祸,受伤住院。劳伦斯离开后,一直觊觎他财产的侄子接管了别墅,并想要将它偷偷卖掉。为了保护自己赖以生存的家园,闪电、白兔和小鼠决定联手,奋起反击。

名称:墨卡托迷踪(2022) [动作][正片]


地区:比利时  类型:动作,爱情,冒险


时间:2024-10-08 19:42:14

简介: When the digital native Benjamin turns 18, he inherits a box of ancient artefacts from his missing father. He gives an antique book to Slien, the girl he has his eye on, and unintentionally sets a chain reaction in motion. An old man called Zeppos is also very interested in the book which once belonged to the cartographer Mercator. Using the secret messages in Mercator's book, the trio uncovers the mystery while having to stay one step ahead of a mysterious rival.

名称:喜鸟(2024) [电影][正片]


地区:比利时  类型:剧情,喜剧


时间:2024-10-08 19:00:20

简介: A chamber comedy-drama revolving around three women from different generations who meet up again in tragic circumstances and must live together for a whole year.

名称:Zillion(2022) [电影][正片]


地区:比利时  类型:剧情,犯罪


时间:2024-10-08 17:59:23

简介: Antwerp, Belgium, 1997. Based on a true story. Businessman and computer genius Frank Verstraeten loves techno music and the nightlife. He also has an unhealthy obsession with proving himself. When he starts his very own mega-nightclub ZILLION, the place instantly becomes a massively popular party venue. The alliance Frank forges with porn king Dennis Black Magic gives the place a tough edge. On his way to the top, however, Frank makes enemies – both within the police and the local mafia.

名称:玩命逃杀(2019) [惊悚][正片]


地区:比利时  类型:恐怖,惊悚


时间:2024-10-08 17:36:23

简介: 盧卡斯和克洛伊對解謎遊戲有極大的熱情,他們參加了一個充滿謎團的逃脫遊戲「妄想症」。在滿懷信心地解開一道道謎題後,兩人跟隨線索來到了最後關卡的所在地—一座廢棄的精神病院。在那裡還有另外四名玩家等著他們,隨著遊戲進行,殺戮也跟著展開,參賽者們很快就明白,他們之中只有一個能活著走出去……。

名称:琴声诉忆(2023) [电影][正片]


地区:比利时  类型:剧情,惊悚


时间:2024-10-08 16:21:34

简介: 23 岁的詹妮弗罗吉尔是一名有天赋的的钢琴家,她的内心始终与8岁时发生的一些创伤进行抗衡。父亲去世后,她与母亲从比利时搬到纽约,在著名的茱莉亚音乐学院学习。詹妮弗的母亲只想着如何把她培养成世界上最好的钢琴家,决定让詹妮弗参加在布鲁塞尔举行的世界著名的伊丽莎白女王大赛。 在赛前封闭式集训的日子里,詹妮弗试图忘记的创伤再次浮现……